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After being active in the TeX community for almost 20 years, I have decided that it is a good time to resign as a TeX developer; therefore I have officially quitted the TeX world.

Zal Mehran (a very knowledgeable TeXhacker; someone who knows TeX much better than I do) has accepted to maintain my packages. From this moment, I shall have nothing to do with TeX and my packages (bidi, xepersian, persian-modern, lollipop, etc). Zal Mehran will now be responsible for miantaing/developing all my packages; any concern/questions about my packages should be addressed to him. He is not a member of this forum; I asked him if he could join the forum but he declined. He can be contacted at zal.mehran@gmail.com.

I also have let CTAN people know about this.

I do not know for what reason you have made this decision. All I know is that if you quit the TeX world, The Persian Tex will have a bad future afterwards.
I think I and everybody who uses your worthy achievements will appreciate you If you reconsider your decision.
Personally, I am proud of you. Before using XePersian, I had so many difficulties preparing my documents with Microsoft Word and adobe indesign that  sometimes I had to give up some of them. but LaTeX and specially XePersian made things really really simple to do. I owe you so much dear Vafa!

Dear, MR. Madanipour

Thanks for your kind comments. I can no longer be a part of a community where devils exist and others takes sides with them.

Please rest assured that Zal's TeX skills is heaps better than mine.

فرشاد ترابی:
خبر بسیار بدی بود. خروج شما از دنیای تک نه تنها به کل ایران و جامعه علمی آن لطمه میزنه، بلکه با توجه به کارهای با ارزشی که کرده بودید به کل جامعه تک در جهان صدمه میزنه.
امیدوارم با بردباری و صبوری که در جنابعالی سراغ داریم، تصمیم به بازگشت مجدد بگیرید.

هر کجا که هستید، برای شما سلامتی، شادی و طراوت آرزومندم.

از محبت شما سپاسگذارم آقای ترابی

مطمئن باشید کوچکترین صدمه‌ای وارد نخواهد شد. آقای مهران همانطور که گفتم در تک بسیار ماهرتر از من هستند. من آرزو می‌کنم شما هر کجا که هستید خوب و سلامت باشید.

طی امروز یا فردا در CTAN وضعیت من به شکل in­ac­tive خواهد درآمد و Zal Mehran مولف جدید خواهد بود. در ضمن تمام ایمیل‌هایی که به آدرس persian-tex@tug.org فرستاده می‌شوند به آدرس zal.mehran@gmail.com خواهند رفت، بنابراین من دیگر دسترسی به این ایمل نخواهم داشت و احتیاجی هم نخواهد بود که شخصی با من تماس بگیرد.


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