تالار گفتگوی پارسی‌لاتک

لاتک LATEX => عمومی => نويسنده: vafa در سپتامبر 04, 2014, 09:05:01 pm

عنوان: حذف persian-modern از روی GitHub
رسال شده توسط: vafa در سپتامبر 04, 2014, 09:05:01 pm
امروز ایمیل زیر را از طرف GitHub دریافت کردم:
نقل قول
Hello there,

We received a DMCA takedown notice regarding your repository vafak/persian-modern.
As such, we have disabled public access to the repository and its forks.

The notice has been publicly posted at:


If you believe that your repository was disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification, you have the right to file a counter notice and have the repository reinstated. Our help article at https://help.github.com/dmca provides more details on the counter-notice procedure. If you have any questions about the process or the risks in filing a counter notice, we suggest that you consult with a lawyer.

The GitHub Team
دلایل ایشون رو بصورت یک تصویر هم ضمیمه کرده‌ام. من هم در پاسخ جواب زیر را دادم؛
نقل قول

This is really funny. The person who claimed that I have copied from him, he has himself copied the fonts from me. My fonts were first published in 2011 but he started working on his fonts in mid 2012. The reason why my fonts were removed from CTAN and TeXLive was because they could not technically and legally find if I copied from his fonts or if he copied from my fonts; if you have any doubt, I can send you exact verbatim email. On the other hand, I should let you know that this person has a fake identity and is pretending to be someone else.

There is a court case against him which is pending. My lawyer in Iran has summated a complaint against this person but his real identity is unknown and the police yet is investigating his real identity. Since the court case is pending and no result yet, I will remove persian-modern repository myself until the case is settled in the court.

بنابراین تا روشن شدن نتیجه دادگاه، خودم persian-modern را از روی GitHub حذف کردم.